Tuesday, April 21, 2020



This not so general theory explain's almost every general thing and that's why it is one of the most famous theory of chaos. It also explains those things of your life which even you can't explain like which dress you wear today or which one on tomorrow you will after all it is all about that how a small change in an initial state of a general system changes the whole result. This is scientifically proven that when a butterfly swing it's wing with perfect frequency, time and place at amazon it can result into a huge tornado at Florida under certain conditions.

For example, Alexander the great a great warrior who fought and won a lot of battles died due to maleria caused by just a little mosquito. Now, imagine that if treatment of maleria was available at that time then what would happen. I think that the history will completely changed if due to his further wars any one of  your ansestor was killed then you would not exist today or if he kill any one of my ansestor then you could not read this post.

Let us talk about it's relation with grand father paradox of time travel. For it first I explain grand father paradox.

Imagine that one's a day a man get a time machine he travels back in time and killed his grandfather before his marriage then what will happen. I think due to death of his grandfather the man don't born but a paradox comes into play that if that man don't born then who kill his grandfather.

A personal example, Let after reading this article you get a great passion to make a time machine and 10 years hardwork you are also become successful. But in that period of time I died in some accident and you want to show me your time machine. You decided to go 15 years back in time before I write this post and show your time machine. Now, imagine that what would happen if I become too much passionate to work on time machine and I don't write this post. I think that you will not become too much passionate to make time machine and after 10 years you would not do time travel. I write this post. And both of us get trapped in a time loop.

I hope that you understood butterfly effect you can ask for more such easy explanations about difficult scientific theorys. If you have any question then you can also ask in the comment section I will definitely answer it.

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